Everything IS Possible
Do you have an idea for a product, a service, a small business, a non-profit?
I say run with it.
If you’ve found your way to this particular article on this particular website; I’d say it’s a little bit of the universe telling you that yes, you are on to something and go ahead and start taking the steps to make it a reality.
If someone tells you it’s impossible, please remember these words:
Everything Is Possible, Even the Impossible.
Mary Poppins, in the film Mary Poppins Returns
These words might seem cliche. They are after all just a line of text from a Disney film designed quite carefully to be a financial success. A film that is not necessarily a great work of classic filmmaking – although it remains to be seen how this film withstands the test of time. I know someone who worked on the film and regard her work to be among the best, so I give the film the benefit of the doubt.
But still – while the words could seem cliche – I happen to find them to be spot-on correct with regard to success in small business.
Success IS possible. Absolutely possible.
How do I know that to be true? Because it happens every day. Absolutely every business you shop at and every non-profit you interact with began as an idea in someone’s mind.
The difference between your idea and what you see in those businesses and non-profits is mostly time and hard work.
Considering that success is definitely possible, what will it take to turn your idea into a reality?
It will take hard work.
It will take time.
It will take development of your skills, your experiences, your expertise, your team, your abilities and your capacity. Which looks overwhelming all squished into a sentence like that, but in reality ALL of these things will come steadily as you work on your idea.
It won’t happen overnight. But as long as you don’t give up it will happen.
That’s one of the big things I’ve learned during thirty years of watching people follow their dreams.
That overnight success is hardly ever overnight. In fact, it probably never happens overnight.
“Overnight success” is the culmination of many years of work and holding onto an idea.
Remember this:
Your ideas can only come from YOU. YOUR ideas will change the world for someone.
So run with those ideas, no matter how impossible they may seem.
Run with those ideas even though people tell you that your idea is not possible.
Keep thinking this phrase:
Everything is possible, EVEN the impossible.
Cheers :)!