On Saturday I was out to eat with my family and saw a Julia Child quote posted in the restaurant.
It inspired me to revisit her words.
As a woman who forged an unlikely path, she said some wonderful things and I believe her words can help us all stay excited about building our businesses.
I came back to the office, searched on DuckDuckGo* for “Julia Child Quotes” and found this gem:
“The only real stumbling block is fear of failure. In cooking you’ve got to have a what-the-hell attitude.”
Julia Child
I believe strongly in using best practices and time-honored content marketing strategies that are proven to deliver results.
But …
Sometimes you just have to go with your gut and step outside the box. Never be afraid to do things differently from what everyone else is telling you to do!
I also believe it’s good for women business owners to watch the film “Julie and Julia“.
Why? Because it does a great job of showing you the PROCESS BEHIND THE FINISHED PRODUCT.
My clients hear me talk about this concept A LOT. The concept that we are surrounded by examples of the FINISHED PRODUCT. From the clothing we purchase to the ads we see to the books we read and the film and TV we watch.
But we rarely, if ever, are privileged to go along for the journey of the “PROCESS” that results in the finished product.
As a result, it is easy to get frustrated with how long it takes for your business to grow. Or the amount of effort that goes into creating your website. Or the challenges of the various hurdles and barriers that present themselves as you journey along and develop your business.
I recommend you watch the film.
Watch how the PROCESS unfolds for both characters – Julie and Julia. Jot down your the thoughts that come to your mind about how you can get yourself more in touch with the process behind the finished product. I’d love to hear what you come up with! Message me the details!
At SarahGalbraithLaucks.com I work one-on-one with a select group of clients – teaching them the skill of content marketing so they can use it to grow their businesses.
My services are tailored very specifically to women running small businesses and non-profit organizations with five or fewer employees. I work exclusively with clients in the health, wellness, and disability arenas.
Would you like to work with someone who will walk step-by-step with you? Helping you grow your business in a scaled fashion that is customized to where you are right now and where you want to be? Contact me and let’s talk about what’s possible!
#learnalittleeveryday #discovertheprocess

* My go-to search engine for the Internet is DuckDuckGo.com. I don’t use that other popular search engine. You know the one I mean – its name starts with a “G”. I skip it because I get better search results with DuckDuckGo. The other one has gotten into the business of censoring search results and suppressing all manner of information. Which means I might not find what I’m looking for. DuckDuckGo delivers more accurate search results – and thus is more helpful to your work. For an added bonus they do not track you ?.